Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Day of Rest...where I actually DID rest!

Alright, today I was woken up by the sound of my phone vibrating on the dresser at 6 AM California time-my mother was texting me. After going back to sleep for about 2 hours, I got up, and got ready to leave the house for worship at the Winslow's home church, Westminster OPC in, shock of all shocks, Westminster, CA. I found out, once I started being introduced to the members, that their church also sent a group to Haiti. The Winslow's daughter, Marcie went. After church there was a fellowship lunch for the Winslows and another family, so I talked to a lot of people about how I live in Lancaster, with the Amish people....which was amusing. Hopefully, I'll be able to upload some more pictures while in Prague, but, if not I'll upload them when I get back. And also hopefully I will have figured out how to put the text in between the pictures by then as well.

Tomorrow night, 6PM CA time, our flight takes off for London where we have a 2 hour layover and then on to Prague! We will arrive in Prague on Tuesday and get settled in until Wednesday, when we will stat our VBS with approximately 30 Christian kids in the Sumava mountains. After that, we will head back to the city to worship with the Farniks at their church in Prague. Monday through Friday will be our second week of VBC, this time in the actual city of Prague and that will be with a group of non-Christian kids, so extra prayer would be helpful. I'm not totally sure what we'll be doing on the Saturdays, but hopefully we'll get to see some of the city. We will fly from Prague on Wednesday, the 13th, and get home the same day to LA. From there we will all drive back to Orange County where I will stay the night at the Winslows again, and then fly out in the morning.

Please,please,please, pray for us, we are DEFINITELY going to need it, especially with my Czech language skills being that of a wild monkey.


Barbaranne said...

We will absolutely be praying Margaret! Great idea to blog this trip- hope you have at least occasional internet access so we can follow you through the Czech Republic.

When you upload photos you will be given an option in the upload box to choose small, medium or large photos- I've always chosen the large size- don't awnt to miss a single beautiful detail that you're shooting. Make sure to get yourself in some of these pictures too!

To put captions between, just click in between the photos to get the cursor there,(it will align to the left) select center alignment, and type away. Sometimes I have to do that twice for it to "realize" that that's what I want... Sorry to anthropomorphise computers that way, but it helps now and then.

Kristen said...

Margaret, I can't wait to hear your wild monkey version of the Czech language! We'll be praying for you! We missed you at youth group and volleyball, but we know you're where God wants you!

mswagg said...

The pictures are so cool... Orange County looked like a small airport?
We spent the day with Wilson and family and all the girls were asking for you.
We love you..

John Schuchman said...

That's pretty awesome!